

In the distant future, a small number of factions fight for survival on the edge of the galaxy. Gather your army, destroy your enemies and conquer every planet of the galaxy.

Your faction starts with a mothership and 50 fighter ships docked in its launch bays. Send the ships to other planets to colonize them. The new planets will produce more fighters and send resources to your mothership. If the planet is already colonized by another faction, you have to send enough fighters to destroy the enemy ships orbiting the planet. You also have to send fighters to enemy motherships in order to neutralize them. Each mothership has three shields that allow the mothership to recover after it's neutralized. If it is out of shields the mothership gets conquered, but still it can be reconquered from other planets. The game ends when there is only alive faction in the universe.

Destroy you enemies before they destroy you.

Download StarCrushers (PC Windows) for free

Download StarCrushers (Xbox360) for free


Design & Programming
Carlos Peris

Nadia Morales

Music & SFX
Jordi Parés

Thanks to
Judit Verdaguer
Carolina López
Lorenzo Ibarria
Sonia Hernández
Gerardo Garcia
Pablo Sevilla
